Individualised SessionsWorking in an eclectic way, I sit alongside inviting you to use a mix of visual art forms - drawing, painting, sculpting or collage and offering you to engage in performing arts storytelling, movement and theatre to awaken inner perception, seek understanding and discover meaning.
Individual sessions are arranged by appointment and are currently offered in a variety of settings. Our initial meeting of 90 minutes will give you the chance to explore the aims and areas that you wish to address. |
Creative Group WorkshopsAll workshops are conducted in a supportive environment. Respectful to the needs of all participants and are designed with the intent of each group member to explore who they are and to experience practices that may assist them in their quest for knowledge, self discovery or healing.
The arts can inspire, reveal, renew, enlighten, enrich and motivate. Group sessions touch on: Self realisation Relationship to self and other Goals and Dreams Confidence and Resilience Strategy Development |